Republicans Want More Military Defense Spending!??
President Barack Obama in his recent SOTU tried to explain to people who think America needs to spend more money on military defense, that America already spends 8 times the amount of money on military defense than many other nations combined and yet, sadly, the preacher and former Governor of Arkansas Mike Huckabee, along with many Republican Presidential candidates like Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush and Ted Cruz are convinced that America needs to spend more on the military industrial complex.
Preacher Mike Huckabee explaining the size of his Christian Morality and his member at the same time.
Republicans Want More Military Defense Spending!??
Martin Luther King's speech on The Three Evils of Society (click link to hear speech)
Since this is MLK Day I am compelled to blog about the man who in my opinion would have been the first black president of the United States if he had not been murdered. His 1967 speech is just as relevant today, maybe even more so because of his Nostradamus like warnings of the rapidly increasing technologies and the decrease of morality.
The following are a few quotes from his speech that I felt compelled to share ....
The following are a few quotes from his speech that I felt compelled to share ....
"A nation who continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual death."
"Our moral lag must be redeemed. When scientific power out runs moral power we end up with guided missiles and misguided men."
"Racism is that corrosive evil that may well bring down the fall of Western Civilization... by internal decay."
"If America does not respond creatively to the challenge to banish racism, some future historian will have to say that this great civilization died because it lacked the soul and commitment to make justice a reality for all men.
"The American People must have an opportunity to vote into oblivion those who cannot detach themselves from militarism."
"The issues of civil rights cannot be separated from the issues of peace."
So on this MLK Day remember why this revolutionary man was silenced by his own government and tell your congressmen and senators to order the Freedom of Information Act to release the hundreds of top secret documents surrounding the murders of JFK and MLK to be released to the public on good faith and bring these domestic terrorists to justice before it is too late.
Republicans Want More Military Defense Spending!??