Sunday, April 9, 2017

The Party of DOH!

How many elected Republicans that are in the House and Senate campaigned exclusively and specifically to get rid of Obamacare?  How long have these Republicans been jumping up and down about how Obamacare is ruining the country? It has been at least eight years that the Republicans could have been preparing a plan to help move America forward and when they finally get put to the test President Trump, Paul Ryan and the Republican establishment have no plan as if Obamacare just happened yesterday. What in the hell have they been doing in Washington for the past eight years? Apparently Paul Ryan has been spending way to much time with his P-90X workouts doing ab crunches and not enough time concerned about the American people. Seriously, Ryan has been bullshitting about Obamacare since he was the VP candidate with Romney, if any Republican in America should have had a detailed plan on how to correctly and efficiently and safely appeal or delete Obamacare it should have been him and he had nothing.  Did we elect a bunch of Homer Simpsons? The Republican Party used to be the Party of No, now officially they are the party of Doh, how embarrassing to the point of negligence. It almost makes me think that this entire political entertainment satire is being scripted, written and operated by Vince McMahon like he is the conductor in this retarded orchestra that has become our government.

The Party of DOH!

 What do you think about the latest military strike / act of war which the American people have no say so in? The media on both sides of the spectrum keep talking about "Shadow Governments" when the real shadow government is the military. The Military Industrial Complex answers to no one, they are the true shadow government controlling the planet. Who is advising the President, calling the shots or strikes? How long will men and women in our armed forces voluntarily wrap a blindfold over their eyes?

The Party of DOH!

When  we Americans elect people who say from the start while they are campaigning that they do not like government and want limited government interference in their lives it should then be of no surprise that when they are elected prove to be horrible government leaders.  Republicans have absolutely no one to blame now they are sailing the ship and after a hundred days of a Trump White House I am looking for a life jacket. But, you know I hear about on the news that the world is coming to an end, the four horsemen of the apocalypse just arrived but when I open my front door all I hear is crickets and birds chirping. Don't let the media scare you to the point of angry paranoia, keep searching for the spirit of truth. St. John 14 :17 the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you.

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