Monday, January 21, 2019


On this Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday let us all reflect on how far America has come and observe where the spiritual and political river of our nation is flowing. Our government is partially shutdown because our political leaders cannot get along and decide how America moves forward regarding Latin American illegal immigration.  We are trying to do something here in America that has never been done before in the history of human civilization. Our unique government is best represented by our nation's motto E PLURIBUS UNUM, OUT OF MANY, ONE.The United States is the newest suburbs of planet Earth and unless you are a Native American, we all moved here from somewhere else. We might have all come here in different ships but thanks be to God we can be in the same boat.

We live in a nation that is so rich that Americans dogs live better than billions of human beings around the Earth. I have been to Juarez and Rio Bravo Mexico for mission trips and have seen the cardboard villages, the "Hoovervilles" that seem like they have no end. The Latin American governments have failed their people. Meanwhile, here in the US our country spends billions of dollars on American Football stadiums for a stupid game and our government spends trillions of dollars on our military to fight over seas in nations that do not want democracy there. As we continue to force democracy on distant Islamic nations our own backyard is completely filthy. I do not blame Hispanics at all for trying to get over here, but they need to do it the right way. Some what ironically, I am divided over the "Border Wall" issue. I think even if Trump makes the military build the border wall it will only be  a band-aid over a massive wound which will not heal without continuous care and attention.  I do not believe that America is prepared to devote the attention, to fully address and solve the problem. To continue to be the light shining on the hill for all the world to look up to the US must continue to pursue Christian righteousness, peace and love. Are we our brother's keeper? Or are we just going to build a wall and turn on football?

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